SPECIAL REPORT: Federal government indicts premier Wab Kinew for comments he made on a live broadcast

OTTAWA – The federal government accuses the premier of Manitoba for crimes against society.

Wab Kinew’s political career is hanging by a thread after remarks he made during an interview with CBC News

A scandal broke out live on live television after Wab Kinew accidently revealed one of the government’s best kept secrets. Viewers began calling the network after what they saw, but the broadcast was interrupted by a call from the Bank of Canada, which demanded that the broadcast be stopped immediately and that all recordings be erased.

We were able to persuade the directors of CBC to provide us with a copy of the recording of the interview. Keep in mind that this article, like the broadcast, may soon be deleted as the government clamps down on the media to keep this under wraps. Here is a transcript of the scandalous interview with Wab Kinew.

Wab Kinew’s interview with CBC’s Marcy Markusa that has been removed and banned from Canadian media

Wab Kinew: “It’s an absolute disgrace what this liberal government is doing to Canadians. The average Canadian can no longer afford the food we grow in this country, or even the fuel we produce to get to work to buy the food. And what’s even worse is there are programs available that can help the average Canadian. Programs that can offset this cost of living and even lift Canadians out of poverty. But the media won’t talk about it. Why? Because they’re terrified that Justin and his socialist government that wants to control the media will shut them down. They want to keep Canadians in the dark.”

Marcy Markusa: “Programs? What kind of programs? Most Canadians are aware of the drastic measures the government is going to in order to censor the media and most do not agree with it. Now that we have you on record, why don’t you share what you know?”

Wab Kinew: “I see your point but why should I take the risk of sharing my secrets if I don’t receive anything in return? I’m not going to sell what I know for votes, that would be illegal and if the government is going to such lengths to keep Canadians in the dark, I’m not going to risk my freedom. Besides, I understand to a degree why they want to keep this a secret. If this program becomes mainstream, ordinary Canadians will never learn to look for new opportunities. And even more so if they find out how I do it: that could harm the economy of the entire country.”

Marcy Markusa: “How can Canadians knowing how to afford basic necessities harm Canada?”

Wab Kinew: “The program I’m referring to isn’t just helping Canadians afford basic necessities, it has the potential to turn the average low income Canadian into a millionaire in just a matter of months. Now think about it, If someone understands that they can become a millionaire in two months, why continue working? Yes, my method is available to everyone, but if everyone gets rich, who will work in restaurants, stores or factories? Who will do the hard work? We don’t have enough immigratation to sustain this. This program could eliminate the middle class in Canada and destroy the economy.”

Marcy Markusa: “It sounds too good to be true. Like most Canadians, I have always seen you as an honest and sincere person, but in this case I don’t believe you.”